Saturday, 30 October 2010

Must... resist...

Saturday morning. Decided to write this instead of firing up the Xbox. That's the other thing that makes video games take up too much of my free time: they're easy to have a crack at when you haven't got much time. Somehow when I think I might have just a fifteen minute window, starting on something creative or picking up a book seems pointless.

The comparison between book and game is actually an interesting one. Picking up a book, it takes me longer to lose myself in that activity than it does firing up a video game. With a game I've lost myself in about 10 seconds. Maybe that's the real draw.

So, I'm recognising this, but at the same time I'm appalled by statements like this...

Films, TV, even hallowed books, are just rubbish because they don't involve me, It's a sea of blandness.
- Peter Molyneux, 2010

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