Thursday, 14 October 2010

Video games and me

I hate video games. They're like a drug and I'm addicted. I love them too of course. I expect most players of video games just play and enjoy them, but since I'm me I have to analyse my behaviour on a tiringly frequent basis.

My problem with video games is two-fold really. First off, they're often the easiest thing to pick up and spend my free time on if I don't want to sit and think about what I'm doing. There are all sorts of things that would give me more satisfaction - reading, writing, designing games, Programming For Fun, going for a walk, watching a film... You see? All sorts of things. Video games are insidious though, being a lethal combination of 'easy to pick up' and 'immediately immersive'. That's pretty much their defining strength too. So, that's the first reason I don't like them: it's hard to not pick one up.

My second problem is that they stifle one's imagination. And not just while you're playing the game, afterwards too. I blogged about this here. Clearly I didn't manage to ditch my gaming habits. There you go - video games are a drug and I'm addicted.

The bigger picture of what this might be doing to us culturally flits through my mind now and then. I can't believe it's good.

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